Plymouth Community Church


To sign up for a 343 Group, please click here.

343 Groups

Celebrating the stories of our faith family

As a means of helping our faith family grow relationally and spiritually, we are inviting every family group in the church to participate in a 343 group.

3: Family Groups
4: Months
3: Shared Meals

Over the first four months of 2025, each group meets for a meal three times—that’s once every six weeks.

Each of the three family groups will be responsible for planning one of the mealtimes. (If going out to eat, each pays for their own meal. If meeting in a home, each contributes to the meal.)
Whichever family planned the meal will share their story with the others in light of the greater story of Jesus.

After the third gathering, the group will plan a service project together (ex: taking a meal to someone, cleaning a widow’s yard, serving a non-profit, etc.)

Over the summer, one large outreach opportunity will be planned to include every 343 group in the church.

Once the summer project is over, the 343 group remains friends—and any further interaction is purely organic and Spirit-led.

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